How we work
In order to assist you with your case, we will need information and possibly also images. In addition to that, we will ask questions about the case.
The decision of whether or not we accept a specific assignment depends on the respective case and the impression we get of it. We might have to reject assignments though.
Once we have gathered the information required, we will set up a plan on how to carry out the assignment.
During the course of ongoing cases, it’s an advantage if we can stay in touch to coordinate properly.
While the case progresses, we will provide you with written reports on its development. These reports also include documentation by images in digital form.
We won’t do anything without having obtained your consent. You may terminate assignments at any time with immediate effect.
We recommend entering into a mutual confidentiality agreement.
Contact us and get certainty
Headquarters in Copenhagen and operational offices in Odense and Viborg, we cover the entire country.
We answer the phone from 9 AM to 6 PM, but during a case we can be contacted around the clock.
UIP Consult ApS | Mågevej 29-31 – 2400 København NV | Private policy